In April each year, two meetings are held at St. Peter’s Church: the Annual Parish Meeting, when parishioners elect the 2 Churchwardens; and the Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM), at which members on the Electoral Roll elect PCC members, and Deanery Synod representatives. Churchwardens are lay officers of the Bishop and are elected on an annual basis for a period of up to 6 years, whereas PCC members and Deanery Synod Representatives are elected for 3-year terms.

At the APCM, a series of Reports covering all aspects of life within the Parish Church are brought before the electors. The most important of these is the Annual Report. This document sets out the aims, objectives and achievements of the Church since the last meeting, and also incorporates a copy of the accounts detailing the financial activities of the Church over the previous calendar year. In due course a copy of this document is sent to the Diocese, and to the Charity Commission, where it is available to view online. See here for more information.

Our next APCM takes place in April 2024.

Duties of PCC Membership:
To find out more about the duties of a PCC Member, please read the guide to Being a PCC Member, produced by the Diocese of Chichester.
To read about being a Trustee, please read this short booklet on Trusteeship, produced by the Parish Resources team of the Church of England.

Nomination forms:
Please read the Nomination forms below for the criteria for membership:
Nomination Form for PCC Members.
Nomination Form for Churchwardens.
Nomination Form for Deanery Synod Representatives.

Electoral Roll

Being a member of the Church Electoral Roll enables you to vote in elections at the Annual Parochial Church Meeting and have any suggestions and comments heard. Outside the APCM, you may still refer any concerns or ideas to our clergy or a member of the PCC, but in joining the Electoral Roll, you will indicate clearly your desire to participate more fully in the life of the Parish.

To qualify, however, you need to have been an active worshipper in the congregation for at least six months.

Electoral Roll forms:
Click here to find an electronic copy of the Electoral Roll Application form. There will be paper copies available in church nearer the time of the APCM.
Please complete it and leave with either churchwarden, or the Electoral Roll Officer.